Наша команда подготовит для вас полный спектр отчетов о деятельности вашей компании и на федеральном уровне, и на уровне штата.
Сотрудничество с нами гарантирует вам безупречную налоговую репутацию в США.
What tax measures are required to start a business?
Firstly, it is important to correctly choose the state for registration, because taxation systems differ from state to state, and the optimal form of ownership and structure of the company. There can be no universal advice in these matters, it is better to get individual advice and make a decision taking into account the specifics of your business.
Second, you need a company tax number — Employer Identification Number, or EIN. We can help you get it.
Third, you definitely need to appoint a representative with the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This representative must have a «USA substantial presence» (located in the United States) and be available to contact the IRS at any time the IRS deems it necessary. Our company is ready to be your representative in the IRS. If you need this service, you can post a request for consultation.
What tax activities are held after the start?
Your state may have its own reporting requirements, and in any case, you will need to file annual federal tax returns. Additionally, you may need tax services:
We can provide all these services both individually and in a comprehensive manner as part of tax support for your business in the United States.
Managing Partner of the International Consulting Company FINCOM Group, President of the Regional Economic Development Fund и Regions, Head of the Public Reception under the Commissioner for Protection of Entrepreneurial Rights in Moscow on Youth Entrepreneurship.
She graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova, Faculty of Economics, as well as Saratov State Academy of Law — in specialty «Jurisprudence». Anna — Doctor of Legal Administration «Legal Strategies in the Digital World». She was the internships in Great Britain, Germany, Canada and Austria.
В Our company Anna has gone from a legal advisor to a managing partner — has formed 3 separate FINCOM units in Russia and an office in the USA. Anna is the president of the Regional Economic Development Fund «Investment and Regions».
16 years experience in accounting and accounting organization. Pavel has conducted more than a thousand consultations. He has built up the processes of organizing and forming accounting and financial statements of more than 30 companies in different directions — from IT-sphere to agriculture, from construction to shopping centers. He has experience as a startup and large companies such as INFORMATICA, BEAMR, BIOBEE, TAPTAXI.
Pavel has a higher economic education, qualification «Economist» in the specialty «Finance and Credit». He received the diploma of ACCA in International Financial Reporting at the Academy PwC in 2020.
For 20 years as a lawyer and head of the legal department in The pharmaceutical companies Vladislav provided legal support to the companies IT-sphere, agriculture, housing, health care, education, production enterprises. He can answer any your question about commercial, contractual, corporate, tax and public procurement laws.
He graduated from the Saratov State Law Academy. Candidate of Legal Sciences, Assistant Professor of Financial, Banking and Customs Law named after Professor N.I. Chemicheva S.Y.S. University.
Personal data processing policy
1. Общие положения
Настоящая политика обработки персональных данных составлена в соответствии с требованиями Федерального закона от 27.07.2006. № 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных» и определяет порядок обработки персональных данных и меры по обеспечению безопасности персональных данных ООО Финком (далее — Оператор).
2. Основные понятия, используемые в Политике
3. Оператор может обрабатывать следующие персональные данные Пользователя
4. Цели обработки персональных данных
5. Правовые основания обработки персональных данных
6. Порядок сбора, хранения, передачи и других видов обработки персональных данных
Безопасность персональных данных, которые обрабатываются Оператором, обеспечивается путем реализации правовых, организационных и технических мер, необходимых для выполнения в полном объеме требований действующего законодательства в области защиты персональных данных.
7. Трансграничная передача персональных данных
8. Заключительные положения